By default, jMeter uses Java’s System.currentTimeMillis() to time stamp each row in its result files. There are various options in the jMeter properties file to change this default behavior and output a formatted date. However if you have result files already with the millisecond time stamp format you might need to convert it to a date time format in code or Excel.
I have been a .NET and Node.js web developer for the last 10 years. Building sites and APIs with ASP.NET, ASP.MVC and Express.js. Recently I’ve been working on some projects that are built with Java using various different Java technologies such as JSP and JSF.
While I have been getting my head around this new stack I came across the Spring framework and really liked the way it approached building web applications. The Spring Boot project is really amazing and solves a lot of the “where do I start?” questions when using Spring.
Adding a child node to an XMLType in PL/SQL is a lot fiddlier than I expected. Here I am documenting the solution I came up with, so I can find it again.
highland.js is a really useful library for working with data in JavaScript as streams. It gives you nice, easily understandable chains of transforms to data.
Streams in Node.js are really useful for working with large files. If you don’t use streams to read large files in Node.js you will get errors.
Here are some example functions that demonstrate Highland working with big files.